Jun 09, 2020

Buffered logging The buffer will not be flushed until it is full. There is a potential loss of data should a system crash occur before the buffer is flushed to disk. Database -> Select -> sysmaster -> Exit -> Query Language -> New . 5. Type the following (spaces are important before and after the '=') : select * from sysdatabases where name When to use Table.Buffer Nov 16, 2015 Unknown type in sqlsrv_buffered_query::sqlsrv_buffered I believe the sqlsrv_buffered_query data type is being returned by PDO. Might be similar to this: #51 @david-garcia-garcia is the original maintainer of the Drupal module I’m working on. This comment has been minimized. Sign in to view. Copy link Quote reply Member yitam

Query help to delete large volume - social.msdn.microsoft.com

Referencing Power Query queries - Power BI | Microsoft Docs

Jul 26, 2020

Drupal 7: PHP fatal error 'Undefined class constant MYSQL Jul 30, 2019 Buffered and Unbuffered queries - Auckland Buffered and Unbuffered queries. Queries are buffered by default. This means that query results are stored in memory, which allows additional operations like counting the number of rows, and moving (seeking) the current result pointer. Unbuffered MySQL queries execute the query and then return a resource that points to the result set. This uses PHP :: Bug #56931 :: MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY on The problem is that I get unexpected behaviour in the way PDO/PDO_MySQL handles the MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY mode on the FreeBSD-platform. I have managed to write a small code that reproduces the problem.