IPv6 Testing Tools | IPv6 Now

Frequently Asked Questions - Hurricane Electric IPv6 If you are providing email services over your tunnel and need port 25 opened, please send an email to ipv6@he.net explaining your situation. We will normally require completion of the Sage level of the IPv6 certification prior to removing this filter. NOTE: this filtering does not affect the SMTP-related tests on the IPv6 certification program. IPV6 - unable to connect to fortimail on SMTP port Apr 13, 2017 Is HE Blocking SMTP from the IPv6 Internet to HE Tunnel May 15, 2013 SMTP & IPv6 - Living with IPv6

Password used to authenticate to SMTP server. If not specified value from server's configuration is used. port (integer[0..65535]; Default: ) Port of SMTP server. If not specified, value from server's configuration is used. server (IP/IPv6 address; Default: ) Ip or IPv6 address of SMTP server. If not specified, value from server's configuration

I just noticed that two colleagues of mine have IPv6-accesssible SMTP systems. One is at PSC, the other at SWITCH (who also has v6-accessible authoritative DNS :).. I sent both of them test emails and confirmed that ET's SMTP server does use IPv6 preferentially over IPv4. That looks good - thanks for the test. Must be a problem with DNSStuff's IPv6 test suite then That apparent "ipv4 relay getting involved" is just an artefact of the fact that my ipv6 smtp host is dual-stack, and self-reporting its ipv4 hostname in the greeting, methinks.

Configuration. Postfix IPv6 support introduces two new main.cf configuration parameters, and introduces an important change in address syntax notation in match lists such as mynetworks or debug_peer_list. Postfix IPv6 address syntax is a little tricky, because there are a few places where you must enclose an IPv6 address inside "[]" characters, and a few places where you must not.

Free advanced online tool to Test and check your SMTP server. SMTPer provides you a full interface to test and check your Mail server on the fly. Specify the SMTP host and the port, you can eventually use a Secured Connection (ssl, tsl ..) and authentication Jul 26, 2016 · SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the methodology behind the email workflow on the Internet. People have probably been wondering how emails get to their destination. SMTP fully covers it, implementing something similar to the mechanism of delivering an actual letter in an envelope. The SMTP server, or just a computer running SMTP, stands Checks that the mail servers found in the previous test are accepting SMTP connections on their IPv6 address. This test waits for the remote server to display an SMTP banner. Some mail servers use a delay before displaying such a banner which can slow this test down, or in some cases cause it to time out. If the display of the IPConfig command at the command prompt contains rows named "IPv6 Address" or "Temporary IPv6 Address," you have IPv6 in your environment. If all the IPv6 addresses begin with "fe80" and correspond to rows named "Link-Local IPv6 Address," you don't have IPv6 in your environment. These considerations might apply to your network: